Will acupuncture rebound for weight loss?

  Many clinical patients ask before they visit the clinic: will acupuncture rebound for weight loss?  In fact, regardless of any weight loss method, there is a possibility of rebound, provided that the patient does not maintain the same lifestyle and methods as during the weight loss period. When the patient’s caloric intake and consumption change, the weight will naturally not be maintained.  In contrast, acupuncture weight loss is based on toning the body, adjusting yin and yang, qi and blood, and the internal organs to accelerate the body’s metabolism, thus achieving weight loss by suppressing appetite and consuming lipids. Diet and exercise during the treatment period can be determined according to their own situation, generally requiring patients not to overeat, eat an eighth of a full meal, and do aerobic exercise that can persist. After acupuncture weight loss, maintain such habits, ways and means, generally will not rebound.

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