What to do if you have odor in your armpits

The odor in the armpit is considered to be fox odor, and the methods to eradicate fox odor include surgery and microwave irradiation. The main cause of fox odor is the secretion of sweat from the sweat glands around the armpits followed by the metabolism of bacteria on the body surface to produce a special odor, so the root cause of fox odor requires the destruction of the sweat glands. Microwaves can cause permanent damage to the sweat glands through its thermal effect so that they no longer secrete and produce odor. It is also possible to completely remove the sweat glands by total excision, but this can easily lead to localized hypertension, scar formation, and difficulty in reaching. It is also possible to destroy the integrity of the sweat glands through minimally invasive surgery, but it is recommended that fox odor surgery be performed after the age of 18 years or older and after adulthood. Because the human body is in puberty before the age of 18, it develops relatively quickly and the underarm sweat glands that cause fox odor continue to develop. If the surgery is performed too early, although it will have some effect, but it is easy to reoccur fox odor as we get older. If you are younger than 18 years old, you can consider surgery to relieve your symptoms.

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