Is this medicine good for Cargolizine tablets

Cagliflozin tablets belong to the SGLT-2 inhibitor class of drugs, there are many advantages, mainly highlighted in the following aspects: First, the magnitude of sugar reduction, sugar reduction is based on the level of blood sugar, the higher the blood sugar when the role of the more obvious. Second, while lowering sugar can also improve blood pressure, if the patient has high blood pressure, can make the blood pressure lower. Third, it can also protect the heart, especially for heart failure patients, and can improve heart failure symptoms and laboratory test results. Fourth, hypoglycemia rarely occurs. Although its hypoglycemic effect is good, it is safe for the elderly and does not cause hypoglycemic reactions. However, it is also important to note the side effects of this drug: urinary tract infections, and also caution should be used for patients with significant narrowing of the blood vessels in the lower extremities.

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