Is it true that you can stop a cough once and never have it come back?

Once to stop coughing permanent non-recurrence of small trick is a lack of scientific basis, is not true. There are many causes of cough, different diseases may not be related to each other, and there is no obvious chronological order, it is impossible to cure all the diseases that cause cough by some small tricks, and can not prevent the recurrence of the disease. Cough is one of the most common clinical symptoms and can be seen in many diseases, such as various respiratory or lung infections, tuberculosis, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc., acute heart failure, etc. The treatment varies from disease to disease. The cause of the cough should be clearly identified before treatment. Symptomatic treatment can be given to control the cough symptoms at the same time as the cause of the cough, such as the use of cough suppressants and phlegm removers, such as pentoxyverine citrate and aminoglutethimide hydrochloride. Patients with frequent or persistent coughs are advised to go to the hospital as soon as possible to find out the cause of the cough and regulate it under the guidance of the doctor. Do not blindly believe in small tricks, so as not to delay the condition. The above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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