How choroid plexus cysts can affect children

Generally, choroid plexus cysts have no effect on the child, but some choroid plexus cysts are indicative of chromosomal disorders. Choroid plexus cysts are a common phenomenon in the child is in the fetal and neonatal period, usually appearing after eighteen weeks of gestation and fading away by twenty-four weeks, and usually have no effect on the child. Choroidal cysts before the twenty-fourth week can be observed until the twenty-fourth week, and most of them will not affect the child. If they do not disappear after the twenty-fourth week, it is necessary to do the appropriate screening to exclude chromosomal disorders, and follow up on a regular basis. If the choroidal cyst does not disappear after 24 weeks, it is recommended to improve the Down’s syndrome screening, and if necessary, non-invasive DNA or even amniocentesis can be performed, mainly to exclude chromosomal disorders, including trisomy 18, trisomy 21 and so on. If the child has not disappeared after birth, it is important to do regular review, it is necessary to do chromosomal tests to exclude chromosomal diseases, and pay attention to regular review, pay attention to the choroid plexus cyst has not become bigger or disappeared, and so on. If the diagnosis of choroid plexus cysts is confirmed, it is recommended that standardized treatment be carried out as early as possible to reduce the adverse effects of the disease.

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