Effects of chrysanthemum and wolfberry jujube tea

Chrysanthemum, wolfberry and jujube tea is a tea made of chrysanthemum, wolfberry and jujube, which is useful for improving dry eyes, astringent eyes and eye fatigue caused by deficiency of liver and kidney and insufficient qi and blood, etc. Chrysanthemum has the function of dispersing wind and clearing heat, calming the liver and clearing toxins.
Chrysanthemum has the efficacy of dispersing wind and clearing heat, calming the liver and brightening the eyes, clearing heat and removing toxins, which can be used for treating wind-heat colds, headache and dizziness, and swelling and pain in the red eyes, etc. Goji berries have the efficacy of nourishing the liver and kidneys and benefiting the eyes and brightening the eyes, which can be used for the treatment of deficiency in the vital essence and soreness in the waist and knees, etc. Jujubes have the efficacy of tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi (treating qi deficiency through tonifying the spleen), nourishing the blood and calming the mind, which can be used in the treatment of the symptoms caused by deficiency of spleen.
Chrysanthemum should be used with caution for people with Qi deficiency, stomach cold, food loss and diarrhea; wolfberry should be used with caution for people with loose stools (thin and unformed feces); jujube should be used with caution for people with dampness, phlegm condensation, food stagnation, worms accumulation and tooth disease.
The three together, is conducive to improving the improvement of liver and kidney deficiency, qi and blood deficiency caused by dry eyes, eye astringency, eye fatigue and so on. However, chrysanthemum, wolfberry and jujube tea as a health tea, the active ingredients precipitation is limited, its efficacy and effect is also limited, can not replace the drug treatment of disease. If there is discomfort, it is recommended to seek medical treatment, do not blindly use medicinal herbs to brew water, and can not drink a lot of long-term.

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