What’s wrong with a stomach ache and anal pain during intercourse?

When having intercourse, if the stomach pain or anal pain may be caused by pelvic inflammation, being in the ovulation period, ovarian stimulation and other reasons, specifically analyzed as follows: 1. Pelvic inflammation: If you do not pay attention to local hygiene during sex, it is easy to make bacteria and other microorganisms upstream infection, causing pelvic inflammation, there will be seepage in the pelvic cavity under the stimulation of inflammation, and there will be pain in the stomach. As the anus is close to the pelvis, it will also be stimulated accordingly, so the anus will also have pain. 2. Ovulation: If intercourse occurs during ovulation, the follicle will rupture and release the egg cell, which will produce a small amount of pelvic fluid, which will lead to stomach pain accompanied by anal pain. 3. Ovarian stimulation: If you have a history of ovarian cysts, the stimulation of sexual life may lead to the rupture of the cysts, cyst torsion, and so on, which will also lead to stomach pain and anal pain. If the symptoms of stomach pain and anal pain during intercourse continue to be unrelieved, it is recommended to go to the hospital for timely medical treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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