Finger cracks suddenly appeared broken skin itching and running water how is it?

Fingertip seam suddenly appeared broken skin itching and running water to consider is ringworm, hand eczema, scabies and other causes. 1. Ringworm: ringworm is also a kind of skin caused by fungal infection, the main symptoms are localized blisters, peeling skin as well as itching. During treatment, topical antifungal ointments such as ketoconazole ointment can be applied, while keeping the hands clean, hygienic and dry. 2. Hand eczema: fingers will be pimples, blisters, and itching, you can use glycerin lotion according to medical advice to stop itching. Usually pay attention to clean and dry hands, diet needs to be light, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Scabies: This is a contagious skin disease caused by human scabies mite parasites, commonly found in finger joints, wrists, external genitalia and other thin-skinned parts of the skin, showing symptoms such as erythema, pimples, blisters, etc., itching intensifies at night, and there is water coming out of the scratching. You can use sulfur ointment external rub according to the doctor’s instructions, but also pay attention to bedding, clothing sterilization. Itchy skin and running water on the fingertip cracks may also be caused by other reasons, so you should go to the hospital for examination in time, use medication under the guidance of the doctor and pay attention to care in daily life in order to get the best therapeutic effect.

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