Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding for two months on one side of the tube?

Women with unilateral tubal patency who have intercourse while breastfeeding for two months may become pregnant if they do not use contraception. Women with unilateral patent fallopian tubes who breastfeed for two months after giving birth may become pregnant if they are not careful to use contraception during sex. This is because although lactation levels are high in breastfeeding women, high levels of lactogen can affect ovarian function leading to lactational amenorrhea. However, a woman’s ovaries can still ovulate occasionally, and pregnancy may occur during intercourse at this time. So even if one side of the fallopian tube is clear, in breastfeeding two months when intercourse, should also take effective contraceptive measures, can use condoms, can also be placed in the uterine cavity of the contraceptive ring, as far as possible do not choose oral contraceptive pills, because contraceptive pills may be secreted through the breast milk, the baby caused by the impact.

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