What are the classifications of prostatitis?

  The most important thing is that you can get a good idea of what you want to do. The main manifestations are discomfort in the lower abdomen, perineum and testicles, and white dripping from the urethra, which is the category of seminal turbidity in Chinese medicine.  2, idiopathic non-bacterial prostatitis: clinical symptoms such as prostate pain, abnormal urination, prostatic fluid overflow from the urethra, prostatic fluid leukocytes can increase, but bacterial culture without bacterial growth.  3, non-specific granulomatous prostatitis: Clinically, it mainly shows symptoms such as frequent urination, painful urination, burning urethra, pain in the lower back or perineum, but the condition develops quickly, with accompanying symptoms such as increased prostate overflow, acute urinary retention, etc. It is a foreign body reaction or allergic reaction caused by poorly soluble substances produced by the proliferation of the reticuloendothelial system, so it is divided into two categories: metaplasia (allergic) and non-metaplasia.  4, prostate pain and prostate congestion: clinically with persistent urinary frequency, urinary urgency, urinary difficulties and discomfort in the prostate, or true prostate pain and other symptoms, no pus cells in the prostate fluid, and no obvious pathological changes of infection, is a kind of non-bacterial prostatitis.  The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.  The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

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