What complementary food for eight-month-old babies

Eight-month-old babies can add more complementary foods, such as egg yolks, pureed meat, chopped fruits and vegetables. 1. egg yolk: eight months baby can start to add egg yolk, the first time to add egg yolk, should first try a small amount, observe the baby has no allergic reaction, and then gradually add. 2. Minced meat: gastrointestinal function has had a certain development, you can add appropriate protein, calcium and other trace elements, such as fish, chicken, lean meat, etc., into the puree, pay attention not to give too much at once, you can switch to the baby to eat. 3. Fruits and vegetables: appropriate supplemental vitamins, such as tomatoes, bananas, apples, carrots, etc., can be made into chopped fruits and vegetables, fed to the baby. 4. Hand food: eight-month-old babies can be provided with a certain amount of hand food, such as steamed vegetable sticks (pieces) in order to exercise the infant chewing and hands. Need to pay attention to not excessive, so as not to aggravate the burden on the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, if there is an abnormal situation, to go to the hospital in a timely manner to check, and under the guidance of the doctor’s treatment.

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