After miscarriage to “pass” not “supplement”

  Many people believe that after early abortion or abortion, the patient is weak and should take some tonic drugs, food and health products. However, it is this “tonic” misconception that may lead to complications such as retained placenta, secondary infection and even uterine adhesions.  Unlike natural childbirth, abortion has a shorter gestation time, and although there is qi and blood consumption, it is much lighter than a full-term birth. Secondly, the fetus is not yet formed at the time of abortion, the uterus is not too big, and the uterine wall muscles are thicker, so the abortion procedure takes less time and bleeds less. In addition, the patient does not need to breastfeed after abortion, and the degree of qi and blood depletion is less than that of a full-term birth. Based on the above characteristics, the post-abortion conditioning is different from that of a full-term birth, and should be done by means of passages and for the purpose of harmonization.  In western medicine, patients are given estrogen and progesterone after abortion, which is in itself a “pass” process. Chinese medicine believes that after abortion, there are many deficiencies and stasis, so when adjusting the treatment, we should take methods to nourish the qi, dredge the liver and relieve depression, activate blood circulation and eliminate stasis to achieve the purpose of “pass”. The biochemical soup taken by Chinese medicine after abortion is to activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and relieve pain. There are also studies that prove that gum ai soup can promote uterine contraction, promote the discharge of residues and achieve the purpose of stopping bleeding. On the contrary, if you take a big tonic immediately after the abortion, it will cause “tonic but not pass”. The endometrium will start to proliferate again before it is completely shed, which will not promote the discharge of uterine residues and lead to placental residues and vaginal bleeding, while long-term bleeding will easily lead to the accumulation of internal dampness, which can be accompanied by heat stasis, and dampness and heat can also induce infection and even uterine adhesions.  Therefore, the focus of post-abortion conditioning is to “pass”. Some post-operative complications are often the result of good intentions because of the “big tonic”, contrary to the principle of “to pass not to tonic”. Only under the condition that the body’s qi and blood is unimpeded appropriate supplementation of qi and blood, is the way to post-abortion conditioning.

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