Can people with hemorrhoids drink astragalus water

People who have hemorrhoids can drink astragalus water. Hemorrhoids are a common type of clinical perianal disease, related to pathological hypertrophy of the anal cushion and stasis and dilation of the anorectal blood vessels, with clinical manifestations mainly being anal dripping blood after stool and blood on the surface of the stool. Astragalus water has the effect of decongesting and detoxifying the hemorrhoid veins, improving stasis of blood and relieving hemorrhoids. Astragalus water should not be taken excessively because of its cold nature, which can easily cause spleen and stomach deficiency and loss of appetite, leading to constipation, which can aggravate the progress of hemorrhoids. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you can drink astragalus water in moderation under the guidance of a professional physician to prevent and treat the hemorrhoids, and if the hemorrhoids are embedded and form thrombosed external hemorrhoids or complicated with hemorrhage, you should go to a regular hospital anorectal surgery in time for surgical treatment.

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