What are the symptoms and treatments of pulmonary pemphigoid?

The symptoms of pulmonary herpes are chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, etc. The treatment is symptomatic treatment and surgery.
1. Symptoms: lung herpes are small and few in number, can have no symptoms, when the volume is large or multiple can appear chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea symptoms, mainly due to the pulmonary airways edema, due to inflammation leads to increased secretion in the airways, obstruction of the lumen leads to local pressure increase, so that the pressure in the alveoli increased, the serious cases may also lead to rupture of the lung blisters.
2. Treatment: the treatment of pulmonary herpes needs to be based on the cause and severity of the patient’s condition, or surgical treatment. If the pulmonary herpes is primary, no obvious symptoms, choose conservative treatment, such as oxygen observation, etc. If it is secondary caused, should actively treat the lung disease, invalid after reaching the surgical indications can choose surgical treatment.
After the discovery of pulmonary herpes, should go to the hospital in time for further examination and treatment.

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