What is the reason for being sleepy all the time during the day?

The causes of daytime sleepiness and lack of energy are as follows: first, some patients with sleep disorders have poor sleep quality and short sleep time at night, appearing daytime sleepiness and lack of energy, and memory loss will occur over time; second, daytime sleepiness and lack of energy are clinically seen in some patients taking sedative and sleeping pills after the sequel effect, especially the elderly in the treatment of sleep disorders, taking sedative and sleeping pills at night This is also known as hangover reaction. Elderly patients with sleep disorders are recommended to take short-acting sedative and sleeping pills orally; thirdly, sleepiness and lack of energy during the day is seen in some patients with nocturnal sleep apnea syndrome, which leads to poor sleep quality due to lack of oxygen during night sleep, and dizziness due to lack of oxygen in brain cells, making them sleepy and lack of energy the next day; fourthly, sleepiness and lack of energy during the day. Fourthly, sleepiness and lack of spirit are also seen in patients with sleep inversion, who do not sleep at night and become sleepy and lack of spirit during the day.

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