Where does gluteal fasciitis usually hurt

Gluteal fasciitis pain is usually in the buttocks and outer thighs. Gluteal fasciitis usually manifests as soreness and swelling in the buttocks, and there may even be radiating pain in the outer thigh, which may be accompanied by a hard knot. The pain is aggravated by squatting, rolling over or touching the gluteal muscles. In severe cases, there will be limitation of lower limb activities, and the pressure pain is usually more obvious at the gluteal myofascia. Gluteal fasciitis, which usually worsens in the morning, after cold weather and flu, relieves the pain after activity and recurs. It can be relieved by oral ibuprofen, diclofenac and other medications as prescribed by your doctor, and if medication is not effective, surgery is also an option. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time to have the cause clarified by the doctor when the above symptoms occur in the buttocks and outer thighs, and to have reasonable treatment under the doctor’s guidance.

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