How to relieve tight calves

Calf tightness, the possible causes are strenuous exercise, poor blood circulation, too much exercise, etc. You need to choose the right relief method according to the cause, and you can use stretching, high leg lifting, and local massage to relieve it. 1. Strenuous exercise: If the muscle spasm is caused by strenuous exercise, and the phenomenon of tight calves occurs, it can be relieved by stretching, in the process of stretching, different degrees of pain may occur, which should be stopped immediately. 2. Poor blood circulation: Due to poor blood circulation and the tightness of the calves, you can insist on doing the action of raising the legs every day, which can promote the local blood circulation, thus relieving the symptoms of discomfort. 3. Exercise too much: If it is due to excessive exercise and the accumulation of lactic acid, so that the calves appear tight feeling, you can take appropriate rest, the calf part of the stiff muscle massage patting, can promote blood circulation, so as to alleviate the symptoms. If the symptoms persist, you should go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor standardized treatment.

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