Can gastric polyps be cured?

Gastric polyps can be surgically removed, but there is a chance of recurrence, and if cancer occurs, it cannot be cured. Gastric polyps can generally be eradicated through gastroscopic high-frequency electrocoagulation excision surgery, but polyps have the probability of regeneration, if benign lesions, generally thorough excision of pathological tissue can be cured. If the polyp is cancerous or even metastatic, the cancer cells can spread to many organs in the whole body, and the boundary between the lesion and the surrounding tissues is not clear, or the polyp tissue is large in size, then it is not easy to be eradicated. If gastric polyps are found, they should be removed as early as possible to avoid the risk of cancer. In addition, polyps are related to bad living habits or bacterial infection, so pay attention to healthy eating habits to avoid recurrence.

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