What not to eat with grapefruit

Currently there is no grapefruit and which food can not be eaten together, it is recommended that a balanced diet, is conducive to good health. Pomelo sweet and sour, nutritious, containing the body’s vitamin C, dietary fiber and a variety of minerals, appropriate consumption of pomelo for the body to supplement the nutrients, 00 grams of pomelo containing 38 calories, carbohydrates 9.62 grams, 0.76 grams of protein, 0.04 grams of fat, vitamin C61 mg, dietary fiber 1 gram. Moreover, grapefruit does not contain harmful substances to the human body, and no adverse reactions will occur when eating with other foods, so there is no one food that cannot be eaten with grapefruit. Pomelo is recommended to be eaten with high protein foods, such as soy products, dairy products, etc., which is conducive to balanced nutrition. It should also be noted that if you are allergic to grapefruit, you should avoid eating it to avoid an allergic reaction that could affect your health.

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