What are the common causes of post-urinary dribbling?

  The common diseases that cause dripping after urination are prostatitis, prostate enlargement, urethritis, acute cystitis, tuberculous cystitis, pyelonephritis, vulvodynia, urinary tract stones and other urological diseases. The cause of post-urinary dripping is complex, so patients should go to a regular hospital to check the cause and treat it in a timely manner, remember not to take medication blindly. The common causes of post-urinary dripping are the following five: 1. Increased urine volume: Under physiological conditions, such as drinking a lot of water, due to the increase in water intake, the volume of urine will also increase, the number of urination also increases, there will be frequent urination. In pathological cases, such as some patients with diabetes and uremia drink more water, urinate more, and urinate more often.  2, inflammatory stimulation: acute cystitis, tuberculous cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, vulvovaginitis, etc. can appear frequent urination. Under the stimulation of inflammation, frequent urination, urgent urination and painful urination may appear at the same time, which is called urinary tract irritation sign.  3.Non-inflammatory irritation: such as urinary tract stones, foreign bodies, etc.  4.Decreased bladder capacity: such as occupational bladder lesions, compression by an enlarged uterus during pregnancy, tuberculous bladder contracture or larger bladder stones, etc.  5, psychoneurotic urinary frequency: further detailed examination is needed to clarify the cause and target effective treatment at the hospital.

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