What medicines for hand, foot and mouth disease get better faster

Hand, foot and mouth disease causative treatment taking antiviral drugs; also need active symptomatic treatment, fever in children can be used antipyretic drugs, such as ibuprofen, etc.; oral erosion, can be coated with gentamycin or cod liver oil, all of the above medicines can make the condition get better quickly. 1. Hand, foot and mouth disease is mainly an acute infectious disease of children caused by enterovirus. Therefore, children with HFMD can be treated with anti-enteroviral drugs, such as oseltamivir and acyclovir, which can control the progress of the disease and speed up the improvement of the patients. 2. Most children with HFMD have a rash on the hands, feet, mouth, and buttocks, accompanied by fever, for which ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or physical hypothermia can be given. 3. Hand, foot and mouth children can be manifested as oral mucous membrane ulceration, can be coated with gentamycin or cod liver oil to promote the healing of the ulcer site, and at the same time to give children mouthwash to eat after meals, to keep the oral cavity clean. Children with hand, foot and mouth, it is recommended that parents take their active medical treatment, under the guidance of the doctor for treatment, follow the doctor’s instructions, to avoid delays in the condition.

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