Breast cysts herbal prescription

Breast cysts are known as breast fetish (painful lumps in the breasts, closely related to menstrual cycle and emotional changes, equivalent to breast hyperplasia), liver depression and phlegm coagulation can be treated with Free Artemisia Piperitia, and Chong Ren Dysfunction (dysfunction of the Chong and Ren veins, resulting in the loss of blood and qi in the human body). It can be treated with the addition and subtraction of Jiawei Erxian Tang. This disease is treated by promoting qi and blood circulation, softening and dispersing hard lumps, and regulating Chong Ren. 1. Liver Depression and Phlegm Condensation: the main manifestation is breast distension and pain or stabbing pain, accompanied by chest tightness and coercion with a pale red tongue, thin white moss, stringy and astringent pulse. It can be used to relieve liver depression (treating depression by unblocking liver qi) and dissolve phlegm, consisting of Chai Hu, Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, Psidium guajava and Phellodendron amurense. 2. Chong Ren Dysregulation Certificate: It mainly manifests as breast lumps or swelling and pain, aggravated before menstruation and slowed down after menstruation, accompanied by disorders of menstruation in sequence, with small amount of light color, or even menstruation closure; pale tongue, white moss, and fine pulse. Can be used to add flavor two immortal soup regulating Chong Ren, composed of Xianmao, Epimedium, Angelica sinensis, Zhimu, Ba Ji Tian, Huang Bai and other drugs. The use of drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions, under the guidance of the doctor to identify the evidence of drug treatment, do not self-medication.

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