How to deal with nosebleeds in toddlers

Nosebleeds in young children may be related to allergic rhinitis, nasal capillary hemangioma, hereditary hemorrhagic capillary dilatation and other diseases, and general treatment, medication and surgical treatment should be chosen according to the causes and characteristics of the disease.
1. Allergic rhinitis: children with this disease can suffer from nosebleeds when they unconsciously pick and rub their noses. When the nose bleeds, nasal decongestant such as hydroxymetazoline is used to spray the nose or expand the sponge to fill the nasal cavity on the bleeding side to stop bleeding for a short period of time. Life need to avoid contact with allergens, the use of nasal spray mometasone furoate nasal spray, oral loratadine and other antihistamines and other anti-allergy treatment.
2. Nasal capillary hemangioma: this is a malformation of nasal blood vessels in the process of development, mostly growing in the mucous membrane surface of the front of the nasal cavity, when the tumor rupture, symptoms of nosebleed can occur. After the above emergency treatment to stop bleeding, laser, radiofrequency and other surgical treatments can be chosen to completely remove the diseased tissue.
3. Hereditary hemorrhagic capillary dilatation: it is a kind of autosomal dominant hereditary disease, which is characterized by capillary dilatation damage in many parts of the skin and mucous membranes, and is easy to cause nosebleed. It often worsens with age. When nosebleeds occur in young patients, they are mainly treated by filling, laser, freezing or surgical suturing.
When nosebleeds occur in young children, it is necessary to actively seek medical treatment, systematic examination, clear diagnosis and etiology, and standardized treatment in accordance with medical advice.

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