What kind of Chinese medicine to take if you have serious bags under your eyes

Generally speaking, you can take Chinese medicines such as Ermiao Pills for severe eye bags. Large bags under the eyes may be caused by spleen deficiency. This is because the spleen and stomach can affect the metabolism of water and fluid in the body. When the spleen is deficient, water and dampness stops transportation, and the skin and muscles lose their nourishment, which can be manifested as loose and inelastic eyelid skin, and bags under the eyes will be formed after a long time. 1. Ermiao Pill, which is composed of Cangzhu (fried) and Huangbai (fried). It has the effect of drying dampness and clearing heat. It is used for dampness-heat underflow (dampness and heat evils invading the intestines, bladder, pubic area and lower limbs), leucorrhea, wet and itchy scrotum. 2. Muxiang Shunqi Pill is composed of Muxiang, Sha Ren, Vinegar Aromatic Parsley, Betel Nut, Licorice, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Huperzia, Hovenia Citri Reticulatae (Stir-Fried), Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Stir-Fried), Green Peel (Stir-Fried) and Ginger. It has the effect of moving qi and resolving dampness, strengthening the spleen and harmonizing the stomach (restoring the functions of the spleen and stomach). It is used to treat chest and diaphragm congestion, epigastric (abdominal) distension and pain, vomiting and nausea, belching (hiccups), and nausea (lack of appetite and reduced food intake) caused by dampness and obstruction, spleen and stomach disharmony. The above medications are for reference only and should be used under medical supervision. It is recommended that pregnant persons and the elderly and infirm should use the medicine with caution. If you feel unwell after taking the medicine, you should go to the hospital in time.

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