What is the best anti-inflammatory drug for oral inflammation

Oral inflammation, if available, works best with symptomatic medication. By symptomatic medication, we mean that the bacteria that produce inflammation can be known and the inflammatory exudate can be sent to a specialized medical institution for laboratory testing by means of a throat swab or puncture. If the appropriate bacteria can be detected, the application of special anti-inflammatory drugs for this bacteria is the best way to achieve clinical results. But many patients do not have the conditions to apply this way to choose anti-inflammatory drugs, the second best, generally for the inflammation of the mouth, we routinely use broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs, combined with nitroimidazole anti-inflammatory drugs. Generally commonly used is the cephalosporin anti-inflammatory drugs, with metronidazole or tinidazole, ornidazole and other such anti-inflammatory drugs, to target the inflammation of the oral cavity for anti-inflammatory.

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