Can patients with anal fistula heal themselves?

It is difficult for anal fistula patients to heal themselves, patients can improve their condition through general treatment, surgical treatment and other treatments. 1. General treatment: patients should keep bowel movement, prevent diarrhea or constipation, in order to reduce the fecal stimulation of the fistula opening, but also daily sitz bath with warm water or potassium permanganate solution, pay attention to personal hygiene, change underwear diligently, to prevent infection. 2. Surgical treatment: anal fistula patients can go to the regular hospital, the doctor diagnosis and treatment, through the fistula incision, hanging line therapy, anal fistula resection and other ways of surgical treatment, improve the patient’s condition, reduce the chances of recurrence. 3. other treatments: simple anal fistula patients can also be 0.5% metronidazole injection, saline rinse fistula, with biological protein glue from the external injection of the way to treat, relieve the condition. It is recommended that patients with perianal pus, redness, swelling and other uncomfortable symptoms, timely to the regular hospital consultation and examination, clear condition after targeted treatment. In life, pay attention to the management of daily life, develop a good dietary habits, keep bowel movement, regular defecation, avoid sitting for a long time when defecating, and so on.

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