Is there a difference between hemorrhoidal laser and radiofrequency?

The difference between radium and radiofrequency for hemorrhoids is mainly due to the difference in principle between the two.
Radium treatment, or laser treatment, is the use of light and heat to help burn the surface layer of hemorrhoidal wounds, hemorrhoidal hemorrhoidal nuclei to cut in order to achieve the purpose of healing.
While radiofrequency ablation fully combines the advantages of light energy and high-frequency electromagnetic waves to complement each other, through non-selective electric current to heat the dermis of the tissues, the electric current will be used to kill the hemorrhoidal tissue burned to death method of treatment.
Both are minimally invasive surgery, painless, simple, less traumatic advantages, post-operative can be combined with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic drugs to assist treatment.
After surgery, pay attention to rest, keep the perianal skin clean and dry, drink more water, light diet, prohibit spicy, stimulating food, if any discomfort, timely to the hospital anorectal department.

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