What to do if you can’t control your epilepsy on sodium valproate

In cases where taking sodium valproate does not control epilepsy you can consider increasing the dose, adding more medication or switching medications. The first step in the treatment of epilepsy is to choose the correct medication, if the patient is only partial seizures then you can consider changing to carbamazepine, carbamazepine control of partial seizures is more effective. If there is no problem with the choice of medication, the dose may be insufficient. Determine the blood concentration of sodium valproate, and if it is insufficient, increase the dose to see if the epilepsy can be controlled. If sodium valproate is increased to an effective dose and still cannot be controlled, then other drugs need to be added for combination therapy, such as adding levetiracetam and lamotrigine. There are also precautions to be taken when combining drugs, such as not combining drugs with the same chemical structure, avoiding drugs with the same side effects, and paying attention to drug interactions. When you can’t control your seizures by taking sodium valproate, you can increase the dose, add more drugs or change your medication under your doctor’s supervision. Epilepsy medication is very specialized, remember not to blindly change drugs, stop drugs, so as not to induce epileptic status quo.

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