Can people with rheumatism get the cervical cancer vaccine?

Rheumatologic patients are generally able to receive the cervical cancer vaccine (human papillomavirus vaccine).
Cervical cancer vaccination is generally safe. Some patients may experience mild, transient local reactions, such as redness, swelling and pain, after receiving cervical cancer vaccination. Cervical cancer vaccination does not induce or aggravate rheumatic diseases, and there is no indication of contraindication for rheumatic patients in the instructions of the drug.
People who are allergic to the vaccine ingredients are contraindicated and not recommended to receive the vaccine; it is recommended to postpone the vaccination when you are in the fever stage or serious stage of the disease; some people may have reactions such as low-grade fever or skin rashes after vaccination, but most of them are mild and can get better on their own.
It is recommended to go to regular hospitals for cervical cancer vaccination, and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment if you feel unwell.

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