Patient: Description: After I gave birth last year and went to work, I found that as long as I sat for a long time, once I had to stand up, the sciatic nerve there was very painful, and after a while it got better. I do not know what causes this aspect, like I can be cured? Do I need acupuncture, tui-na or something like that? Can I go to you for a consultation? Dong Zhangli, Pain Department, Shanghai Deji Hospital: Hello, you didn’t tell us the part of your pain, but only the sciatica, which many people think is sciatica as long as it is hip pain. Sciatica is pain and numbness that occurs after the sciatic nerve is affected, and it usually radiates from the lower back or buttocks to the calf or the bottom of the foot or toes, and simple hip pain is not called sciatica. Sciatica is only a symptom, not a disease diagnosis, because there are many causes of sciatica. I have seen a lot of people like you who have had a baby and most of them have pain in the lower back and buttocks, that is, they have leg pain and usually not to the calf, so it is not sciatica. As for your case, you need to check your body to determine whether it is sciatica and the specific cause. If it is not sciatica, not only can it be treated but also prevented. We suggest that you bring the film and other information to our clinic.
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