Ageless Legend Injections – Human Placenta

Scientists have found that placenta has the following functions: [Promote metabolism] In order to promote the body’s nutrients protein, amino acid metabolism and the conversion of important glucose into glycogen, thereby generating heat supply, in this role the placenta is like (liver). Aerobic respiration] The fetus in the womb cannot breathe outside air directly, but must exchange oxygen with the mother’s blood through the placenta and expel carbon dioxide, just like the body’s (lungs). Excretion of metabolic end-products】 There is in and there is out, and there is metabolism and excretion. However, the metabolic end products of the fetus cannot be excreted directly, but the metabolic end products produced by the body are processed by the placenta. This is similar to the role of the kidneys in humans. In the early stages of pregnancy, the chorionic gonad stimulates the ovaries of the mother through the placenta, thus promoting the secretion of female hormones, and in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the oocyte hormones are secreted on their own. This function is similar to that of the pituitary gland and ovaries in adults. Immune function] The fetus, of course, does not yet have an immune function that can protect itself from pathogens. Therefore (immune or antibody) (substances to fight bacteria or viruses) must be supplied to the fetus through the placenta via the mother. The regulatory function of the placenta is also very important. It prevents blood from clotting when it is delivered to the fetus, and it also prevents bleeding during labor in order to protect the mother.

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