Is the loquat flower poisonous?

There are no studies related to the toxicity of loquat flower.
Loquat flower belongs to the antidote medicine, loquat flower family belongs to the flower of the plant loquat in the Rosaceae family.
Loquat flower is also known as the earth winter flower. Taste light, nature flat, into the lung meridian. It has the effect of relieving wind, relieving cough and clearing nasal orifices, and is used in the treatment of prolonged cough, cold and cough, nasal congestion and runny nose, and blood in sputum. Generally into the decoction, can also be powdered to take.
There is no authoritative research to show that loquat flowers are toxic, but allergy should be taken with caution. People who are allergic to loquat flower should not use loquat flower to avoid allergic reactions. Adverse effects and contraindications of loquat flower are not clear.
After the occurrence of discomfort should promptly seek medical attention, under the guidance of the doctor to choose the drug treatment, not self-medication.

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