What kind of dentist do you need?

Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone who has never dealt with a dentist in their life. On the contrary, if you want to deal with your dentist less, then you need to deal with your dentist better and more often. Why? Because the only way you can avoid dealing with the dentist more often is to keep your teeth healthy, and the best way to keep your teeth healthy is to have a dentist you trust to help you take good care of them on a regular basis. So, what kind of dentist do you need? I believe that every dentist is faced with this question. The dentist profession has evolved to the point where a good dentist is no longer just pulling a tooth and setting it. This is because the medical model and the psychological needs of people’s health have changed a lot. Therefore, modern dentists need to have the characteristics and connotations of the current era in order to meet the needs of people. Generally speaking, modern dentists have the following qualities: First, there is a sense of safety. The issue of medical safety has become increasingly serious in the modern medical environment. Many infectious diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS can be spread through dental visits. This requires a strong sense of medical safety from a trusted dentist. It is important to protect both the patient and the self. You can’t have one without the other. If the dentist does not protect himself, it is impossible to talk about the protection of patients. Specific measures include: thorough sterilization of instruments; isolation of cross-infection pathways; attention to personal protection (such as wearing disposable latex gloves, so that one person a change, etc.). Safety first, don’t get other infectious diseases and other problems because of dental problems, and lose a lot because of the small. Second, the right attitude, a sense of responsibility. As a patient, although paid to the dentist in exchange for services, but a good dentist should not be coy to the patient, no responsibility. Even if the patient has a slight disagreement with the treatment plan, he will immediately give in and stop insisting on it. Of course, the patient expects the dentist to fully respect his right to information and other rights, but that’s all. When it comes to medical treatment, the dentist is more authoritative and professional, as long as he proposes a medical plan from a health condition, although the patient is somewhat unaware of it and will have some one-sided misunderstandings or even resistance. He should also reason and insist appropriately, without being condescending, dare to say “I am responsible for what I do” and truly show and assume his professional responsibility as a medical practitioner. Do you appreciate such a dentist with the right attitude and commitment, even if he is not the best, even if sometimes the treatment is not so perfect, you are willing to bear with him, so as to create and enjoy a harmonious doctor-patient relationship? Third, the operation is standardized, the procedure is standardized, and the time is adequate. Since dentistry is a hands-on job, to ensure a minimum of quality, standardized operations, standardized procedures, plus enough time is the minimum condition. Water is a sip, if each step of the operation is not strictly in accordance with the norms of operation, are only to achieve 90% of the normative requirements, then even a clinical operation with only four links, after four 90%, the final result presented is not 90%, but 90% x 90% x 90% x 90% ≤ 70%, that is, only less than 70% of the normative requirements. Therefore, the professional concept of a trustworthy dentist is to regulate the sacred. Must strictly follow the norms for operation, not by the so-called experience feel ‘almost’! Make every step clearly controllable. In this way, the final medical effect will also be clearer and more controllable, to the greatest extent possible to avoid the occurrence of accidents caused by human factors. Fourth, keep up with the times, learn well, and have a free and open mind. At different stages, the dentist’s level varies, and there is a factor of his personal experience and the development of the whole discipline. The skill level of a trustworthy dentist grows along with age. And as for the mind, he should be free of prejudices, free, open, sharp, up-to-date and good at learning. To sum up, isn’t a dentist who can do the above points already very good? It is not easy to find such a dentist. One is because there may be few such dentists; the other is because we lack the vision and judgment to find such a dentist.

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