Can lower back eye pain be a sign of serious illness?

Lumbar eye pain is caused by lumbar muscle strain, osteoporosis, third lumbar vertebral transverse syndrome, kidney disease, etc. It is not necessarily a sign of serious illness, and the probability of it being caused by tumor and other serious diseases is very small. 1. Lumbar muscle strain: Excessive activity and exertion of the lumbar region or prolonged exposure to cold can lead to local chronic injuries and aseptic inflammation, and the stimulation of inflammation can lead to pain and other discomfort in the lumbar region and other parts of the eye. 2. Osteoporosis: Ageing or post-menopausal women can lead to osteoporosis, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of bone mass in the lumbar vertebrae, changes in the microstructure of the skeleton, and destruction of bone trabeculae, which can lead to lumbar eye pain and other symptoms. 3. Transverse third lumbar vertebra syndrome: After the occurrence of transverse third lumbar vertebra syndrome, it can lead to pain in the lumbar region, which is tugging and aching, and aggravated after prolonged sitting, standing or rising in the morning, and can also radiate to the thighs to show pain. 4. Kidney diseases: when kidney stones, kidney tuberculosis, kidney tumor and other kidney diseases occur, pain and discomfort may appear in the lumbar eye area, which may also be accompanied by hematuria, abdominal mass, bladder irritation sign and other urinary system manifestations. Tumor-induced lumbar pain is more serious, with severe pain and serious impact on life and work. Effective treatment measures should be taken in time. However, it should be noted that the chance and probability of low back pain caused by tumor is very small, so there is no need to worry and be concerned. When the lumbar eye pain should be timely medical consultation, under the guidance of specialists actively carry out the appropriate treatment, which can help to relieve the lumbar pain and discomfort symptoms as soon as possible.

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