Holding urine is harmful to health

  Generally speaking, the normal bladder will have the initial urge to urinate when the urine reaches 150cc, but this message, which only stays in the brain for about 1 second, passes in a flash; and when the urine increases to 200cc, the urge to urinate will seem stronger, and most people who do not pay special attention and choose not to go to the toilet, the bladder still allows to continue to hold it. However, when the urine capacity of the bladder increases to 400cc, it is the point of no solution. Usually, if you want to define “holding urine”, you have to quantify the amount of urine that is quite elastic, and generally speaking, a volume of 200cc or more is considered to be holding urine.   To cope with the increasingly competitive work environment, many office workers are unknowingly developing the habit of holding their urine, office workers must treat their bladder well, do not develop the habit of holding urine, otherwise, as you grow older, the bladder will return all your abuse “with interest” to you. Modern people because of the pressure from society has increased greatly, everyone faces a different type of work, but also different work environment, we have developed their own survival rules, but in competition with the time, can save a period of time is a period of time, of course, the toilet is also as little as possible, there are even people who can hold urine for a long time to gloat, think they are very “force”.  In fact, holding urine to their urinary system will cause more or less damage, the condition is mild, it will cause inflammation of the urethra, bladder, urine will have a burning sensation, and even a stinging condition; furthermore, they will make themselves a strong sense of residual urine, sensitive urination will make themselves constantly want to go to the toilet, and even the bladder has been emptied will want to go to the toilet, if the situation is serious, will lead to kidney inflammation, and even long-term hospitalization If the situation is serious, it will lead to kidney inflammation and even long-term hospitalization.  Therefore, office workers should not deliberately hold urine; but also do not overdo it, too much is not good enough, a desire to go to the toilet is not necessary; how to find a “hold and not hold” balance. In addition, although urologists recommend drinking 2,000 to 3,000 cc of water every day, but in order to avoid holding urine, but also in accordance with the nature of their work to adjust their own pace of drinking water, in order to make their own drink healthy. Remember, the bladder is also considered expendable, if you do not treat it well when you are young, abuse the contraction and feeling of the bladder, once you grow older, the bladder will return the abuse you did to it when you were young, “with interest” to you, so that you suffer from the regret of “young people do not work hard, old people are sad”. Are you done reading? Go pee!

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