Early manifestations of bronchopulmonary cancer

Early stage of bronchial lung cancer usually has no obvious manifestation; with the development of the disease, patients may have local symptoms and systemic symptoms. In the early stage of bronchial lung cancer, because the tumor is relatively small and does not produce compression symptoms, patients usually do not have obvious symptoms, and most of the patients discover the tumor when they do examination; the tumor will produce compression symptoms when it keeps increasing, and the compression of trachea will result in coughing, difficulty in breathing, and the compression of esophagus will result in difficulty in swallowing, and the patients will manifest stubborn cough, no sputum or sputum with blood in it. The systemic symptoms of bronchial lung cancer can be fever, weakness, emaciation and even malignant degeneration. If patients have the above symptoms, they should actively consult the doctor. Patients with bronchial lung cancer should follow the standardized treatment under the guidance of physician’s consultation, and patients should not use medicine by themselves.

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