Benefits and effects of oats and how to consume them

Oats are the seeds of oats in the grass family, sweet in flavor and flat in nature, belonging to the spleen, liver and large intestine meridians, with the effect of harmonizing the spleen, benefiting the liver, gliding the intestines, stopping sweating, and inducing labor. Oatmeal is made into oatmeal, or powdered into various foods. 1. Oats is sweet in flavor, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, increasing vitality, and can be used for loss of appetite and tiredness caused by insufficiency of the spleen and stomach. Oatmeal can be eaten with milk and porridge. 2. Oatmeal is flat in nature and does not harm the body fluids, so it can be used for bowel irregularities. It should be eaten with the skin. 3. Oats can also be used to induce labor in pregnant women. 4. Modern research has found that oats have lipid-lowering effect, can be used as hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease patients auxiliary food. Oats should not be eaten too much at one time. The high phytic acid content in oats will hinder the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals in the body and affect the metabolic balance of minerals in the intestines. As a medicinal item, oats can play a limited role in medicinal effects and cannot replace drugs to treat diseases. You should seek medical advice in time after discomfort occurs, and choose medication under doctor’s guidance, not self-medication.

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