What happened to the fresh blood after the abortion was almost clean?

If there are residues in the uterine cavity, there will be irregular vaginal bleeding, sometimes more and sometimes less, so it is necessary to go to the hospital for ultrasound examination as soon as possible. If there are residues in the uterus, the uterus should be scraped as soon as possible to avoid heavy bleeding or causing intrauterine infection with uterine adhesions, which can have a serious impact on the next pregnancy. Another reason is that the drug used for abortion is a progestin antagonist, which affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, that is, it can affect the endocrine secretion, which can also affect the repair of the endometrium, so it may also cause bleeding. If there are no residues in the uterine cavity at the time of ultrasound, menstrual regulating and ovulation promoting drugs need to be applied.

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