Can you take enalapril maleate with a blood pressure of 95/70?

If there is no use of drugs under the blood pressure of 95/70mmHg is not need to take enalapril, if high blood pressure to take antihypertensive drugs, but also need to regular use of drugs.
Enalapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, which is a commonly used antihypertensive drug in clinical practice. If you are a normal person, no hypertensive disease, without the use of drugs in the case of blood pressure measured as 95/70mmHg, is normal, is not necessary to take enalapril. If you are a hypertensive patient and your blood pressure is 95/70mmHg after taking antihypertensive drugs such as Enalapril, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions for regular medication in the future.
Hypertensive patients should adhere to the long-term use of medication, do not stop in the middle of the drug, to avoid blood pressure fluctuations caused by adverse consequences. Please follow the doctor’s instructions.

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