What’s wrong with frequent hemorrhoids?

Elevated pressure in the veins of the anus and rectum can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids, which are more likely to be induced by poor bowel habits and stressful situations. 1. Causes: The main cause of hemorrhoids is the formation of hemorrhoids due to elevated pressure in the veins of the anus and rectum, which leads to enlargement of the veins and thinning of the vein walls. 2. Causes: People with the following factors are more likely to develop hemorrhoids. (1) Poor bowel habits, such as sitting on the toilet for long periods of time to read or play with cell phones; (2) Chronic stress; (3) Persistent constipation or diarrhea; (4) Overweight; not exercising; (5) Chronic consumption of alcohol and irritating foods; family history of hemorrhoids; (6) Pregnant women and women in labor; prolonged sitting or standing. Frequent hemorrhoids and accompanying discomfort symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, check the diagnosis for treatment, so as not to delay the aggravation of the condition.

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