How to treat a nerve pain in your teeth and half of your head

Dental neuralgia half headache may be caused by pulpitis, trigeminal neuralgia or wisdom tooth pericoronitis, the specific treatment should be analyzed according to the specific situation.
1. Pulpitis: accurate localization diagnosis of the affected tooth should be carried out first, and then the affected tooth should be opened and drained, and root canal therapy should be done, which can solve the toothache and can solve the headache. If you can’t go to the hospital for the corresponding treatment, you can take the right amount of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers for temporary relief.
2. Trigeminal neuralgia with headache and toothache: you can consider local physical therapy, or oral treatment of neuralgia drugs to relieve toothache and headache.
3. Wisdom tooth pericoronitis: local rinsing, medication and anti-inflammatory treatment can be carried out in the acute stage of inflammation, and the wisdom tooth can be extracted after the acute inflammation is controlled.
Whether it is a toothache with half a headache, or just a toothache, you should go to the stomatology department of the regular hospital in time for examination and appropriate treatment for the cause of the disease, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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