What are the herbal remedies for itchy eyes

Chinese herbal formulas for treating itchy eyes include Wind Dispelling One Character San, Yin Qiao San, Dampness Removing Soup, Four Substances Soup, etc. Single-flavored Chinese medicines include cassia seeds, etc., which should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. 1. Wind evil external beam: persistent itchy eyes, aggravated by the wind, occasional tears, floating pulse, can be used to drive away the wind a word scattered to dispel the wind and stop itching. The medicines are made of Chuanwu, Chuanxiong, Jingwu, Qiangwu, Fangfeng and Mentha piperita. 2. Wind-heat invasion: eye pain and itching, red and swollen eyelid skin, floating pulse, can use Yin Qiao San to clear away heat, dispel wind and relieve itching (by removing the wind that invades the surface of the muscle to relieve itching) and relieve pain. The composition of the drug has honeysuckle, forsythia, platycodon, mint, bamboo leaves, raw licorice, thorns, tempeh, burdock and so on. 3. Dampness and heat with wind: intense itching in the eyes, eye secretion is more and sticky, white eyes are yellow and turbid, pulse is slippery, can use the dampness soup to dispel wind and clear heat, remove dampness and stop itching. The drug composition has poria, licorice, atractylodes and so on. 4. Blood deficiency and wind dryness: eye itching symptoms are mild but recurring, sometimes stopping, can be accompanied by dizziness, dizziness, white face, thin pulse, can take four things soup to nourish the blood and wind. The drug composition includes Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong. Cassia seed has the effect of clearing heat and brightening eyes. It is used for eye redness and astringency, shyness and excessive tearing (eyes are afraid of light and often shed tears), eye itching and other conditions. Caution should be exercised in cases of diarrhea. The adverse effects of the above formula are not clear. It is recommended to take the corresponding traditional Chinese medicine according to the type of symptoms after taking the pulse of a Chinese medicine practitioner, and avoid blindly using the medicine on one’s own.

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