What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids

There are five common symptoms of hemorrhoids, as follows: 1, blood in the stool: bright red blood in the stool, dripping or spraying; 2, prolapse: some people after the stool, if you feel a hemorrhoid prolapse can be easily pushed back by hand, some can not return, back to more serious; 3, itching: itching because of long-term prolapse leads to local muscle relaxation, resulting in the rectum on the mucus flow down, if the anal opening has been often wet, there will be itching situation; 4, pain: many people fear hemorrhoids, or fear hemorrhoid surgery mainly because of the pain. The pain here is obviously because the perianal nerve endings are very richly distributed, the anus is very sensitive, so a little something will lead to pain; 5, constipation: first of all, dry stool leads to hemorrhoid prolapse will be painful, and if you do not stool for a long time will lead to constipation, so this is a vicious circle.

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