What is itching and pins and needles one month after hemorrhoid surgery?

The itchy pins and needles sensation one month after hemorrhoid surgery may be caused by scar tissue proliferation, wound not completely healed, wound infection and other reasons. 1. Keloid tissue proliferation: endocrine disorders, proline hydroxylase activity increased wound scarring to varying degrees, mainly characterized by the appearance of roughness, can be accompanied by a pinprick sensation. 2. Wound not completely healed: some people have the symptom of slow wound healing, coupled with dry stools, defecation is easy to break the wound, which will lead to pins and needles like pain, followed by itching symptoms. 3. Wound infection: Inadequate cleaning of the wound area can lead to infection, which will cause a tingling sensation, accompanied by the phenomenon of redness and swelling. Hemorrhoid surgery one month after the itchy feeling of pins and needles, may also be the wound pseudo-healing, granulation compression of local nerves and other reasons, if the hemorrhoid surgery one month after the itchy feeling of pins and needles of the symptom, persistent non-relief, need to consult a doctor for examination in a timely manner, to clarify the cause of the disease, and to give the treatment.

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