What to do if you have small and painful bumps in the subcutaneous tissue of your arm

Painful bumps on the subcutaneous tissue of the arm can be considered as subcutaneous lipomas and epidermal cysts. They can be removed by surgery. 1. Lipoma: If the lumps appearing in the subcutaneous tissues of the arm show localized elevation, soft texture, no redness, swelling, certain mobility, and pain when compressing the nerves, it is considered to be lipoma. Surgery can be chosen to remove it. 2. Epidermoid cysts: if the small bumps in the subcutaneous tissue of the arm appear as isolated lesions or subcutaneous nodules, several millimeters to several centimeters, medium hardness, and can be moved, they are considered epidermoid cysts; they can be surgically excised if necessary. When combined with infection, incision and drainage can be carried out, oral antibiotics and other treatments. It is recommended that the patient should consult the doctor in time, undergo relevant examinations, clarify the cause of the disease, and then follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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