Pediatric constipation what to eat the fastest bowel movement

Pediatric constipation generally does not exist what to eat the fastest defecation, pediatric constipation is usually caused by improper diet, anal stenosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc., can be treated through dietary modification, medication, surgical treatment and other methods. 1. Improper diet: Improper diet may cause indigestion in children, resulting in constipation, you can eat more food rich in dietary fiber, such as cornmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, etc., usually can promote the absorption of water in children’s feces, speed up the speed of digestion, improve constipation. 2. Anal stenosis: anal stenosis is usually caused by congenital formation, swelling extrusion, etc., which causes children to have difficulty in defecation, thus resulting in constipation symptoms, in addition to the above dietary changes, if necessary, surgical treatment is also required. 3. Gastrointestinal dysfunction: Gastrointestinal dysfunction is usually caused by functional dyspepsia, gastritis, etc., which may cause constipation and discomfort in defecation, etc. Pepsin, bifidobacteria and other medicines can be eaten, and medicines are prohibited for allergic patients. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital in time for examination and reasonable treatment under the guidance of the doctor. All of the above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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