What should I do if the fig juice touches my skin and itches?

Fig juice touches the skin itchy is usually caused by allergies, can be rinsed in time, local disinfection, follow the doctor’s instructions to use drugs such as oral loratadine tablets to deal with.
1. Timely rinsing: after the fig juice touches the skin, the fig juice can be rinsed out with flowing water in time to reduce its stimulation of the skin.
2. Local disinfection: if the skin is very itchy by scratching caused by rupture, in this case can also follow the doctor’s instructions to use medical swabs dipped in iodine volts, on the local skin to smear, to play the role of disinfection.
3. Drugs: If the fig juice touches the skin, by the above way did not get relief, but also in the doctor’s guidance of topical tretinoin cream, oral loratadine tablets, chlorpheniramine maleate tablets and other drugs for anti-allergy treatment.
Fig juice touching the skin itchy situation, such as did not get relief, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to carry out reasonable treatment, to avoid improper treatment of the skin damage.

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