Dorsal hamstring pain is a precursor to something serious.

Dorsal hamstring pain may be a precursor to herniated lumbar disc, pyriformis syndrome, dorsalis pedis fasciitis and other diseases. 1. Lumbar disc herniation: patients with lumbar disc herniation may manifest lumbago and sciatica in the early stage. Typical symptoms are lumbago, leg pain, decreased muscle strength of the lower limbs, cauda equina syndrome, intermittent claudication and so on. The pain of lumbar disc herniation is radioactive and may radiate from the buttocks along the back of the thigh, the calf and the back of the foot, and dorsal hamstring pain may occur. 2. Piriformis syndrome: Early symptoms of piriformis syndrome mainly include hip pain, swelling, radiating pain and numbness in the lower limbs. Usually manifested as pain in the buttocks, and the pain is radioactive, usually radiating along the sciatic nerve, i.e. from the buttocks through the thighs, radiating to the calves and feet. 3. Dorsalis pedis fasciitis: Early symptoms of dorsalis pedis fasciitis are heel pain and pressure pain, slight pain and numbness in the feet during walking or running. Typical symptoms are pain, muscle tension or spasm in the affected area, which may manifest as numbness of the skin or dyskinesia, or even a dull ache that radiates to the front of the foot. Many diseases may present this symptom, so you can’t rely on one symptom alone to determine which disease is the precursor, you need to combine other symptoms and test results to determine.

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