What’s wrong with the cartilaginous groove in your ear that hurts when you press on it?

Painful pressing in the cartilaginous groove of the ear may be related to auricular chondritis, ear boils, herpes zoster in the ear and other causes.
1. Auricular cartilage inflammation: secondary infection of the cartilage membrane of the auricle due to trauma, surgery, infection of the outer ear and neighboring tissues, etc., causing an inflammatory reaction and pain when pressed in the cartilage groove of the ear.
2. Ear boils: Inflammation caused by bacterial infections such as staphylococcal infection of individual hair follicles in the notch of the ear can lead to localized redness, swelling, pain and other symptoms.
3. Herpes zoster in the ear: After the initial infection with varicella-zoster virus, the virus lurks in the posterior root ganglion of the spinal cord. When the body’s immune system function declines, the virus is activated again, resulting in pain, itching, tingling or numbness in the area around the affected nerve.
It is recommended that people who have pain when pressed in the cartilaginous grooves of the ear go to the hospital in time to clarify the cause of the disease and standardize the treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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