What causes a rattling sound when you turn your ankle

Turning ankle with rattling sound consider physiological factors, osteoarthritis, ankle joint injury, etc.. 1. Physiological factors: when turning ankle, bone and cartilage friction or ligament and bone friction sound, usually no pain, belongs to physiological popping, do not need special treatment. 2. Osteoarthritis: when the joint degeneration, hyperplasia, articular cartilage wear and tear, there is a ringing sound when you turn your ankle, accompanied by pain, activity limitation, X-ray film can be a clear diagnosis. 3. Ankle injury: when ankle ligament injury causes ankle instability or ankle fracture, there will be obvious swelling when there is rattling sound when moving the ankle, taking ankle MRI film or CT can make a clear diagnosis. Turning ankle rattling if there is pain need to go to the hospital to check to clarify the cause of treatment.

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